Wednesday, July 08, 2015

John Hinds and #ResusWankers

For those who read my smaccUS Day 1 blog, you know how much of an impact Dr. John Hind's lecture on a resuscitative thoracotomy had on me.

I was beyond shocked when I woke up on Saturday morning to find out (through Twitter, how else) that he had died. One of the last things I did before walking out of McCormick Place on Friday, at the end of SMACC, was to get a chance to shake Dr. Hind's hand. I actually walked partially out of the building with him, and I explained how he had changed my opinion of a local EM Physician who did the same procedure in our local ED. I can't claim to have known him well, but I do know he will be sorely missed in the FOAMed community.

A few points.
#1: John had been campaigning for an Air Ambualnce for Northern Ireland. There is a petition to push for the same thing, as a fitting memorial to him. I know online petitions are mostly useless, but this one is a great cause, so go ahead and sign it HERE.

#2: EmCrit has a podcast up with some never-before-heard audio from Dr. Hinds. Great stuff.

#3: SMACC has put up the video for Dr. Hind's SMACC lecture on "Crack the Chest, Get Crucified". Go watch it.

#4: The RAGE Podcast (Resuscitationist's Awesome Guide to Everything) has re-posted John's 2014 smaccGOLD talk "Cases from the Races". Here is the audio combined with the slides in a video format. Fantastic lecture.

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